Tuesday 24 January 2012

Medlar - 19th January 2012

On Thursday 19th January 2012, my hubby and I went back to Medlar for dinner with a friend of ours from Montreal. Initially, we wanted to take our friend to our favourite restaurant but unfortunately it was closed for a private function.
The menu was the same as our last visit (just a few days ago!) apart from the famous Tarte Tatin which seems to be available only in the evening. Our friend followed our recommendation and chose:
- Crab raviolo with samphire, brown shrimp, fondue of leeks and bisque sauce
- Red wine braised octopus with roast cod, crisp Indian pastry, borlotti and frisée
Our friend enjoyed both courses very much!

For starter, my hubby and I ordered the Crab raviolo again as it was sensational and we also ordered something that we haven't tried before: Duck egg tart with red wine sauce, turnip purée, lardons and sautéed duck heart - this starter was also delicious. The lardons and duck heart went very well with the duck egg tart.

Crab raviolo with samphire, brown shrimp, fondue of leeks and bisque sauce

Duck egg tart with red wine sauce, turnip purée, lardons and sautéed duck heart

For main course, my hubby and I chose something different from our first visit so we could sample different dishes. We chose:
- Guinea fowl with potato gnocchi, jerusalem artichoke, spring onion and reblochon  - this dish was simply delicious and well executed. The guinea fowl was very moist and other components on the plate went very well together.

- Roast partridge with confit leg, pearl barley, foie gras and kale- I didn't enjoy this dish as much as the other one. The confit leg was a bit dry and the roast partridge maybe was sligltly overcooked.

Guinea fowl with potato gnocchi, jerusalem artichoke, spring onion and reblochon

Roast partridge with confit leg, pearl barley, foie gras and kale

For dessert, our friend didn't want anything but my hubby and I went for the famous Tarte tatin with crème fraîche ice cream- Their Tarte Tatin was truely delicious and very well excecuted. The puff pastry was crispy as it should.

Tarte tatin with crème fraîche ice cream

Our dinner at Medlar was very enjoyable. How often would we go to Medlar will depend on how often they change their menu.

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